
A reasonably fair summary of Reichsfolk is given in the first section of the current (August 2009 CE) Metapedia article from which the following quote is taken. Metapedia, BTW, is a Swedish, pro-folkish, alternative on-line encyclopaedia.

” Reichfolk är en nationalsocialistisk gruppering som grundades av David Myatt vars ambition är att förmedla den etiska nationalsocialism som Myatt förordade…

Baserat på det textmaterial som Reichfolk spred under senare 90-talet växer en bild av en modifierad nationalsocialism fram. Istället för “ledardyrkan” framställs det “ariska idealsamhället” som något som består utav fria starka individer vars hedersuppfattning skulle komma att stifta den “lag” man underkastar sig. Tanken på att en stat, en regering, en enskild person (Monark eller dylikt) skulle stifta lag över andra framställs som helt väsensfrämmande för ariern som avses i Reichsfolk definition av begreppet.

Tanken tycks till synes ha varit att skapa en helt ny religion, en livsfilosofi med alla aspekter av andlighet, politik, och moral inkorporerat i en och samma världsuppfattning på samma sätt som man idag stundvis anser Islam vara mer än bara en religion.

En av de mer excentriska inslagen i Reichsfolk var återuppväckandet av idéen om dueller på liv och död för att lösa tvister av olika slag, och till och med som en delvis ersättare för rättsapparaten som vi känner den idag. En anklagad skall enligt Reichsfolks syn på saken ha rätten att utmana den som anklagar denna för något till en duell på liv och död.

Ambitionen att rent evolutionärt utveckla människoarten till ett mer extraterrestriellt väsen, kallat homo galactica där tanken kretsade kring att utforskandet och kolonisationen av världsrymden var den ariska rasens levnadsöde propagerades hårt av David Myatt under hans aktiva tid i Reichsfolk.

Myatt menade i sina verk att en nationalsocialist/aryanist inte alls återspeglade det hätska hat, förakt och nedvärderande agerande som man stundvis ser prov på i sammanhang som dessa, utan att det tvärtom var en etisk och hedersbaserad väg vars ambition att etablera ett europeiskt hemland för vita nationalsocialister inte alls behövde medföra nedsättande agerande emot andra folkslag eller deras kultur.

Då denna stora vikt läggs på individen, och dennes uppförande författade Myatt under Reichsfolks namn ett flertal artiklar som definierar rättsuppfattning, personligt agerande, ariska helgdagar och firandet där av med mera. “

A collection of articles, in pdf format, outlining the Reichsfolk Weltanschauung (Ethical National-Socialism) is available for download here.


Below is a link to a pdf file issued by Reichsfolk, which outlines the case for co-operation between ethical National-Socialists and those Muslims opposed to the Zionist-Crusader alliance.

It seems that David Myatt wrote most of the documents in this file between 1998 and 2004 CE. The collection contains many of Myatt’s most interesting articles on the topic of such co-operation, including his Why National-Socialism is Not Racist.

National-Socialism and Islam: The Case for Co-Operation

David Myatt, 1995

David Myatt, 1995

David Myatt, 1993, Spain

David Myatt, 1993, Spain

One of the fundamental themes of both David Myatt’s early and later National Socialist writings (1) and of many of his other non-political writings, is his vision of a Galactic Imperium. According to what we might call Myatt’s radical and esoteric millennial philosophy, crucial to the creation of this Imperium is the revolutionary leader he called Vindex. This revolutionary leader would, according to Myatt’s early political writings, be Adolf Hitler’s successor, and would lead his, or her, (2) forces against what Myatt euphemistically calls The Magian (3).

The Galactic Imperium is, for Myatt, fundamentally the exploration and settlement of Outer Space – the Final Frontier – by a new breed of warrior clans, and it is this Imperium which will, according to Myatt, provide us with the opportunities and the challenges we need to evolve, as human beings, and to create new societies where genuine, individual, freedom, and honor, are the norm.

It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that Myatt envisages – or envisioned – hordes of neo-Nazi stormtroopers marauding around the Galaxy and invading other planets. Rather, Myatt initially saw Hitler’s National Socialist Germany and indeed National Socialism itself, as only a prelude, and while in his earlier NS writings he eulogized both Hitler and National Socialism in general, in his later Reichsfolk writings he pointed out some of the flaws of early, German, National Socialism, and came to believe that Hitler had made some fundamental tactical mistakes.

” One mistake was to initiate a war, and to seek new living-space in already occupied lands. Of course, war against NS Germany was inevitable – just like the recent war against Iraq was inevitable. In the case of Iraq the cabal spent over ten years – from the time of the Gulf War – trying to starve the people into submission, and destroying the defensive capability of the Iraqi defence forces.

But Germany should have waited, and most certainly not launched offensives in other countries. The cabal would then have to had resorted to invading Germany, which would have taken perhaps a few more years to organize, giving NS Germany more time to create a genuine NS society, and prepare to defend Germany. More alliances should have been saught, and NS exported as a revolutionary creed. Had the cabal invaded Germany, they would have been on dubious moral ground, and effective resistance could have been undertaken against the occupying forces.

The effort that went into the war should have been directed toward building a stronger Germany, and showing, by example, that NS worked. In addition, scientific research should have been undertaken into spacecraft.

But this, of course, is hindsight. What happened, happened. We have to learn the lessons. One lesson is to evolve NS itself – which has been done, based upon the ideal of honor and the vision of a Galactic Empire or Federation, created by a NS homeland which seeks allies among the various peoples and cultures of Earth on the basis of honor and mutual respect. ” ONA: Aeonic Notes IX, dated 114yf

In respect of the flaws of what Myatt called early German National-Socialism, Myatt in his second (4) seminal text about Vindex, entitled The Mythos of Vindex, writes that:

” One error was in adhering to and striving to apply the un-ethical, and un-numinous, principle of eternal struggle, or what is now commonly, vulgarly, and rather incorrectly called the survival of the fittest. This was an error because we have now, as I have mentioned many times in various writings, reached the stage of not only being able to consciously, rationally, understand the processes of change and evolution as they apply to us, as human beings, but also of using our understanding and our abilities of will and empathy to change ourselves for the better in an ethical way. That is, we have passed a threshold in our human evolution, and so can make conscious, informed and ethical choices – for we are not just thinking, talking, animals in thrall to our emotions, desires, and external forces, but moral beings possessed of the ability to consciously evolve ourselves by striving to adhere to certain ethical guidelines. Or, expressed in a simplistic and cliched way, we can and indeed should learn from our own history and from our mistakes.

In practical terms, this error led to invasion and occupation of other lands, as it led to the desire to seek lebensraum in lands already inhabited and settled by others.”

As Myatt explained, the new Galactic Imperium would be quite different from previous Empires:

” The Imperium which Vindex will create will be different from previous Empires because it will be a conscious creation: the result of a reasoned, honourable, civilized, approach: that is, it will be based upon honor, and will be the result of the esoteric understanding we have achieved over hundreds, indeed thousands, of years.

This means it will not impose itself by force of arms upon others. Rather, it means it will be composed of thinking warriors who uphold honor and who prefer combat to dishonourable modern war. In particular, it means a federation of countries, or nations, who co-operate together in the pursuit of a numinous goal: not an Empire in the old sense of domination and conquest and occupation.

The old type of Empire belongs in the past: it is unsuitable for an honourable, rational, people. Furthermore, the old type of Empire is founded upon a basic error.
The basic mistake is to believe that war can solve problems or be of benefit. Thus to have war as a political policy is stupid. This mistake about war arises from two things: (1) a lack of perspective, and thus a viewing of events in current rather than historical terms; (2) failing to act in accord with the ethics of honor.
Every old type of Empire has a time of glory; as it has to maintain itself by occupation, war, and repression. Every such Empire declines, and is then destroyed. Sometimes an Empire may last a few decades; sometimes a century or more. Rarely, a few centuries. After the destruction of the Empire, there follows a period of chaos, of barbarism, of regression, with only a few positive attributes of the Empire remaining: some stories of glory, perhaps; or some literature; some monuments, or some technological or scientific achievement. But a great deal is lost.
What applies to an Empire applies to the results of terrestrial wars – such as the occupation of a foreign country after victory in a war or after an invasion. Such occupation may well last for a while: a few years; a decade; several decades. But it will inevitably end, through either a successful uprising (often after several failed attempts) or through the withdrawal of the occupiers, for military, economic, or political reasons, and while some elements of the occupying forces may remain (in terms of their culture, ideas, and so on), a great deal is lost. In the meantime, thousands upon thousands of people have been injured, killed, repressed or dishonourably confined in prisons. Furthermore, it is the honourable right and duty of those under occupation to resist, using lethal force – and to try and take away this right and duty, by making it “illegal”, as all occupying forces do, is dishonourable in itself, the act of the bully, the tyrant. It is also the right of individuals to possess weapons, and one of the many dishonourable things an army of occupation does is make possession of weapons illegal.

This old imperial process is incredibly wasteful, and stupid, because the positive, evolutionary, civilized, changes which Empires sometimes bring can be achieved in not only less wasteful ways but also in ways which can ensure much greater, and longer lasting, evolutionary change.

In brief, imperial conquest and colonialism are short-term solutions: in Aeonic terms – in the timescale of civilizations and Aeons – they are failures, detrimental to the long-term evolution that is required.

In terms of acquiring new living-space – often used as an argument in favour of Empires and conquest and colonialism – the honourable, futuristic solution is the colonization of Outer Space.

In terms of war, the new Imperium – or Stellar Federation or Cosmic Federation or Cosmic Reich or whatever we want to call it – would use force only as a last means of self-defence of its own territory or homeland, or when there needs to be an honourable combat between it and its enemies.

In addition, it needs to be understood that modern warfare is for the most part dishonourable, employing as it does cowardly methods – such as aerial bombing – which an honourable warrior would refuse to use, condone, or accept. The warriors of the new Imperium, the troops of Vindex, will seek honourable combat, a fair fight, rather than impersonal war. Honourable combat means personal fighting between groups of warriors, or armies. It means an end to the dishonour which has blighted armies for hundreds of years. It means a return to civilized treatment of captured or surrendering soldiers – allowing them to retain their honor, and go free. It means a conscious decision – based upon honor – to do only that which is honourable, and which befits an honourable warrior.” ONA: Aeonic Notes IX, dated 114yf

National Socialism, Clans, and the Imperium of Vindex

Initially, from the 1970’s to the early 1990’s, Myatt considered his Galactic Imperium would be based if not upon National Socialism itself, then upon an updated version of it; an updated version which he himself assiduously created over a period of some ten years, culminating in his “ethical non-racist National-Socialism” and in his Reichsfolk organization. However, as, in the late 1990’s and the early part of the twenty-first century, he developed this new ethical philosophy – which he first called The Numinous Way of Folk Culture and then simply called The Numinous Way – he moved away from the concept of a strong, united, nation-State which was central to early, German, National-Socialism, even going so far as to describe the State, in The Mythos of Vindex, as “an unethical abstraction that is a great cause of suffering and nullifier of the ethical and numinous principle of personal honour.”

In place of the nation-State, he advocated, in his alter writings, “small, rural, communities, which co-operate with, and which trade with, other local communities for their own mutual benefit. That is, a return to what is human; to the human-scale-of-things, and a moving-forward to a simple, ethical, letting-be based upon personal honour,” (5) and the formation of new clans, or tribes, which, in essays such as The Clan, Culture, and The Numinous Way and The Mythos of Vindex, he described as the basis for a new type of communities and culture, the basis for a new, more evolved, more human, type of society.

In addition, as he further developed his own ethical philosophy of The Numinous Way, he also moved away from the concept of both race and “the folk” as the basis for, or even as a part of, his philosophy, or Way of Life as he mostly described it. Hence, he wrote that:

” Race, the causal concept of the folk, bound as that concept of the folk is by a certain racial exclusivity – and all that derives from such things (such as racism, racialism, racial prejudice, and nationalism) – have no place in The Numinous Way…

A clan is a basis for individuals to live in a numinous way, in harmony with themselves, with Nature, and with the Cosmos. The clan is basically just a large extended family, where the individuals are personally known to each other and/or related to each other by family ties, such as marriage. What distinguishes a clan is this personal knowing, these personal, direct, living, relationships – and a certain honourable loyalty, a certain “clannishness”, based on this personal knowing and this personal loyalty.

Thus, the clan is living: growing, changing, evolving; and it is not tied to or dependant upon any static, causal, un-numinous abstraction such as “race”. It is a coming-into-being, and the criteria for “membership”, if you will, is not determined by some causal abstraction, such as perceived (outward) ethnicity, but by personal interaction, a personal knowing, based on personal (individual) character.

Furthermore, the clan is the basis for establishing new, numinous, communities based on The Numinous Way itself. That is, new clans can express, manifest, presence, the numinous itself by the members of such new clans living according to the numinous principles of empathy, compassion and personal honor. They are thus nexions, regions where numinous law, based upon honor, can be established, to the benefit of the individuals of such new communities.” Questions About Race, The Folk, and The Numinous Way

Thus, Myatt no longer saw his Galactic Imperium in either political or racial terms, but developed an entirely new and ethical philosophy – his Numinous Way – as its basis.

Since this Numinous Way disdained the modern nation-State and its vast, capitalist based industries – and championed new and small communities based on new tribes – one might wonder how such tribes might develope the type of technology needed for Space exploration. Myatt, however, had an answer to this – acausal technology, based on his own concept of acausal Space, acausal Time, and acausal energy. He wrote that:

” The Numinous Way considers that it is such new cultures which can aid the evolution of the individual, establishing – over a certain amount of causal Time – a more evolved, more cultured, more empathic, more compassionate, more honourable, human species. Such cultures, and their clan-communities, are, or rather should be, the genesis for the next stage of our human evolution, where we leave this planet, which is currently our home, and so live and evolve and diversify among the stars of this and other Galaxies.

However, given that such numinous cultures are small – and may often be rural in nature – how can this Galactic, extra-terrestrial, development be achieved, especially since a numinous culture would most certainly not involve large national or supra-national industries, as it would not be reliant upon the usury, and the supra-national trade and commerce, which all modern States and nations depend upon?

It could and should be achieved by means of the development of a new acausal science, and the development of a new type of technology, based on acausal energy. For a numinous culture – and all empathic human beings – are, both in principle and in practice, opposed to the exploitation of the Earth, and the exploitation of the living beings of the Earth, which exploitation is inseparable from capitalism and the modern industries, and technologies, deriving from, and dependant, upon such capitalism, on such supra-national commerce, and on other causal un-numinous abstractions.

The basis for the new acausal technology is the science of causal and acausal, of the apprehension of acausal energy emanating from the acausal universe by means of living nexions.” The Clan, Culture, and The Numinous Way

He expounded upon this concept of a new acausal science, based on acausal energy, in his essay Acausal Science: Life and The Nature of the Acausal and in his work The Physics of Acausal Energy.

Vindex and Revolution

Despite both his move from, first, the old style National Socialism of Hitler’s Germany to his own ethical Reichsfolk type of National-Socialism, and then, later on, to the development of his own The Numinous Way philosophy as the new basis for his new Imperium, Myatt has never wavered from his belief that what he calls The Old Order needs to be and should be undermined and destroyed by practical revolutionary means, by armed force.

Indeed, Myatt makes it quite clear in his Mythos of Vindex that he believes that the Galactic Imperium will never be more than a dream unless “the current tyrannical Magian order – the abode of Homo Hubris and exemplified by the new ignoble arrogant Amerikan empire and the Police-States of the West (of which modern Britain is a prime example) – is confronted, undermined, and destroyed by armed force, ideological subversion and by the numinosity of a new mythos… This is the supreme and severe challenge before us in these dire and ignoble times, and an opportunity which will not arise again, for were we to fail, then our further evolution as a species is doubtful.”

Myatt considers Vindex as not only a manifestation of the new, warrior, clan-based ethos of Imperium, but also as the pivotal character in the armed confrontation with the Old Order – the person who inspires others to take up arms, and who, possibly initially as a modern type of outlaw, achieves success after success against them, using and developing tactics which nullify the advantages the Old Order possesses in terms of military superiority, weaponry, and wealth.

The ONA and the Vindex Mythos

The Occult group The Order of Nine Angles – which many people consider Myatt founded, led and still leads, using the pseudonym Anton Long – can be considered as one means of spreading not only Myatt’s Vindex mythos, but of practically seeking to bring about, and aid, the Galactic Imperium. That is, Myatt conceived, created and implemented the ONA to achieve certain goals, one of which was and is to counter the Magian ethos and another of which was to train individuals and send them out, into the world, to undermine and disrupt the status quo as a prelude to the practical revolution Myatt has always regarded as necessary for the destruction of the Old Order and the emergence of a new order based upon his law of personal honor.

In addition, one of the stated aims of the ONA was to breed a new type of individual and new types of tribes:

” The sinister tribes of the ONA – what they are now; what they are becoming; and what they will-be – are that presencing of acausal energy which will fundamentally and irretrievably change our world, and which will manifest, and bring-into-being, an entirely new, more evolved, type of human being and entirely new types of human communities, preludes as these are to us leaving this planet which has for so long been our childhood home and to seeding ourselves among the stars of the Galaxies of the Cosmos. ” The Sinister Tribes of the ONA, dated 120 Year of Fayen

Importantly, the basis for these new tribes is what the ONA calls The Law of the New Aeon, and, unsurprisingly, this Law is Myatt’s law of personal honor, the basis for his Galactic Imperium.

Conclusion: The Quest for Vindex

It is my considered view that Myatt’s primary aim, throughout his entire adult life, has been to find, develope and use means to bring about his vision of a Galactic Imperium. All his various endeavors and involvements – from National Socialism, to the ONA, to his philosophy of The Numinous Way, to his involvement with radical Islam – are all part of this. They are all means to explain, to propagate, to try and implement – through, for example, destabilizing the status quo, confronting the Magian, and agitating for revolution – his Vindex mythos and this vision of a Galactic Imperium.

He has been almost fanatically single-minded in his pursuit of this vision, and, at times, quite ruthless. He has also been exceptionally pragmatic – using whatever means, whatever ideology, whatever tactics, that might help him undermine and confront what he calls “the tyranny of the Magian manifest in the dishonourable Amerikan empire of Homo Hubris.” (6) These tactics have included racist violence, racist and Islamic terrorism, Nazi politics, and using the ONA as a means of subversion and radical change.

Myatt has also been consistent, for over four decades, in upholding and propagating the principle of personal honor, which he wove into his NS writings, which he made one of the foundations of his philosophy of The Numinous Way, and which he made the basis for both the clans of Vindex and the tribes of the ONA.

In addition, he has also expounded at some length (7) on what he calls the new science of acausal energy, which energy he sees as the most viable means of developing the new acausal (i.e. the organic) technology of living machines capable of taking us out among the stars of our Galaxy.

In conclusion, therefore, there is, in my view, a rigorous consistently to Myatt’s life, writings and involvements, which his many, and vocal, detractors have overlooked. Myatt has also undertaken, it seems, something of personal, interior, spiritual, quest – leaving behind the racism of National Socialism (and, now, apparently according to some rumors, also radical Islam) to develope his own, unique and ethical, philosophy, that of The Numinous Way, based on the principles of empathy, compassion, and personal honor; which philosophy he now regards as the way of life appropriate to and for the new type of human beings who, he envisages will explore and settle the planets around the star systems of our Galaxy.

Julie Wright,
June 2009 AD


(1) Myatt’s early writings about National Socialism – with the notable and important exception of his Vindex: The Destiny of The West published in 1984 – are clearly distinct from his later NS writings. Those early works, written before 1998, were often polemical and sometimes overtly racist. His later NS works, in which he developed what he called the “ethical National-Socialism” of his Reichsfolk organization, were decidedly non-racist. These later works include: (1) The Theology of National-Socialism; (2) The Complete Guide to the Aryan Way of Life; (3) Why National-Socialism is Not Racist; and (4) The Meaning of National-Socialism (Third Edition, 115yf). Around 1999, Myatt revised several of his earlier works in order, as he stated at the time, to remove those aspects incompatible with the ethical principles of honor, as defined by him in several of these later works, including The Code of Honour, given in his The Complete Guide to the Aryan Way of Life, a code he later made minor revisions to for its inclusion in the Reichsfolk publication Ethical National-Socialism: A Collection of Essays, issued in 2009.

(2) Although in his earlier works – including his Vindex: The Destiny of The West – Myatt described Vindex as a male warrior, in many of his later writings he intriguingly stated that Vindex could be either a man or a woman, and might not arise in the West itself:

” Vindex is the generic name for that revolutionary noble warrior who leads the practical fight against the Magian and their allies, manifest as the Magian are now in so-called mis-named New World Order whose twin centres of power (both ideological and practical) are in Amerika and the Zionist entity that occupies Palestine. Vindex thus prepares the way for the Galactic Imperium, whose practical beginnings lie in the establishment of new communities, based around new tribes whose only law is that of Personal Honour. Vindex (who may be male or female) is the embodiment of The Law of the New Aeon of the Imperium, which is personal honor, and who, with his or her victorious warriors, establishes an entirely new type of culture…

Used as the name of an individual, Vindex means “The Avenger”, and while it is traditionally (and semantically) regarded as a male name, with the Anglicized feminine form being Vengerisse, Vindex is now often used to refer to either the man or the woman who is or who becomes this revolutionary warrior leader…

While it is probable that Vindex will arise from one of the nations of the West (which includes Russia, the United States and the lands formerly referred to as Eastern Europe) – and be of Caucasian (European) ethnicity – it is also possible that he or she could arise elsewhere in the world, and be of mixed, or of any, ethnicity. For what is fundamental to Vindex is that he or she is a charismatic and revolutionary leader who inspires absolute loyalty; that he or she fights, in a practical way through force of arms, the forces of the Old Order, manifest in the power of the Magian; and that he or she triumphs in the final battle, enabling the establishment of new communities free from the now broken and discarded and tyrannical Magian ethos…” The Mythos of Vindex

(3) By Magian, Myatt – following Yockey – means both “the Zionists and their allies, such as Amerika”, and what he, in his Mythos of Vindex, calls the “un-numinous and materialistic crypto-marxian ethos, and its decadent and capitalistic culture, which has emasculated and controlled the individual, done away with excellence based on nobility, replaced the law of the warrior – which is personal honor – with the abstract life-less law of tyrannical States, and whose servants and lackeys are hypocritical new barbarians lacking in manners who have de-evolved to become almost a new human species, Homo Hubris.”

(4) His first work on the subject being Vindex: The Destiny of The West

(5) A Numinous Future – Beyond The Abstractions of The State and The Nation

(6)The Mythos of Vindex

(7) See, for example, his essay Acausal Science: Life and The Nature of the Acausal and his, currently still unpublished, work The Physics of Acausal Energy.

David Myatt, Feb 1993, Spain

David Myatt, Feb 1993, Spain

The link below is to a pdf file which contains four articles about David Myatt and the Order of Nine Angles written by Kayla and Chloe of WSA352.

WSA352  is a Progressive Nexion/Temple of the Order of Nine Angles, based in the USA. It is more formally known as the White Star Acception.

WSA on David Myatt (pdf)

The articles were first published on the WSA352 blog at:


Police in Italy have taken down two websites that contained some of David Myatt’s Islamist writings. The sites were run, from Senegal, by Abdul Qadir Fall Mamour and his wife, Umm Usama. The report in the Italian newspaper, Il Tempo, dated 30th May 2009, stated:

” TORINO La Digos e la polizia postale di Torino hanno oscurato due siti internet e blog che inneggiavano alla Jihad (guerra santa islamica) e incitavano all’odio verso l’occidente.

A gestirli dal Senegal, secondo la polizia, erano l’ex Imam di Carmagnola (Torino), Abdul Qadir Fall Mamour, espulso dall’Italia cinque anni fa, e la moglie, Barbara Farina. Già nell’ottobre dello scorso anno altri quattro analoghi siti erano stati scoperti e oscurati dalla polizia. Un combattente – forse lo stesso Mamour – che imbraccia un lanciarazzi, una falce che gronda sangue, un gruppo di uomini in preghiera, sono le immagini che aprono i due siti sequestrati, che erano accessibili a tutti agli indirizzi abulbarakat.blogspot.com e ummusama.blogspot.com. Migliaia i contatti registrati in due anni di attività. I siti contenevano manifesti del jihadismo come gli articoli del giornalista britannico convertito David Myatt o il libro, nella traduzione italiana della Farina, «Soldati di luce». “


Towards The Numinous Dark

Reichsfolk 352


David Myatt came, and changed everything. Before Myatt there was aimless stupidity in the religions and politics of our species. Aimless as having no real genuine aeonic aim or purpose; except propagation of these institution’s memeplexes. Stupid in that these stagnant religious and/or political dogma, ideology, and orthodoxy were sold and hailed to humanity as jewels of human ingenuity. With his Faustian Spirit, Myatt came and quietly set the proverbial cog wheel of progression in motion. It is too early for the rest of the species to recognize his genius, but as time passes and changes things, he will one day take his place among the great thinkers of our species. Whether it was for National-Socialism, his Numinous Way, or his Order of Nine Angles; he imbued the same Myattian ethos, concepts and vision into all his writings and institutions he fathered. Calling our eyes up towards the Cosmos to awaken us to our galactic destiny and providing us a means for striving for that distant dream.

As with science: there are theories and principles; then there is methodology. Myatt’s Reichsfolk National-Socialism, and his Numinous Way in 352 are the theories and principles of a new and progressive humanity. The ONA is the Methodology thru which those theories and principles are transmutated into future galactic civilization. 352 must be a Myattian Institution through and through; adopting both the theories/principles, and the vehicle of application. The Acception must understand that a principle, no matter how great it sounds – even when such principles are “lived” by adherents – is devoid of the ability to affect the future. Aeonic engineering is required to consciously create a future with theories and principles. Thus the ONA as a means to apply and use such principles via aeonic engineering, to manifest a willed future is a crucial [an alchemical crucible] factor/nexion between the theories and principles we have today – and the evolved humanity and celestial civilization of tomorrow. These theories and principles must first be understood within the frame work or psychological territory of WSA352.


Race, as 352 understands it is a Causal+Scalar (time) manifestation or by-product of the Folk or Clan. A Clan is a group of people bound together by blood, loyalty, and mutual dependency. It is only due to a clan’s isolated breeding, and environmental factors, that its future progeny grows to look different from other clan progeny. Race, does not truly define a people – their mentality, psychology, ethos, beliefs, or culture do (the very essence of a folk and clan). Race is a mere by-product of such folkish factors. The Folk, Clan, or Tribe makes the man. Even within the limits of a phonotypical race there will exist competition, rivalry, war, class struggle, and “racialism.” The organic Clan, is the very essence of our humanity, which defines us as a species and people. The Clan itself is a manifestation of a more primordial simian group phenomenon our ape ancestors once lived in – which can still be witness in most monkey and all ape social orders. The Clan is in our very human genetic make up – in the sense that we as causal organisms naturally seek to belong to a group/family. Race does not make us human – it is not ingrained in our evolutionary makeup. Race is only a by-product of Clan life.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself, and your personal “ethnic” makeup. I’m proud of my ethnic heritage (Mexican-White/Italian). Why though be proud of an entire race which doesn’t care for you. There’s nothing wrong with liking to be racist. Just refine your racialism and be an equal opportunity racist and hate people in your own race too that aren’t your Folk and Clanmates. Chances are, if you think about it, that those in power in your own country enslaving and exploiting you are your own race. We have a cool slogan in 352 which summarizes Reichsfolk National-Socialism in a nice rhyme – “Down with the Ku Ku; Up with the Mu Mu” (Ku Ku for the Ku Klux Klan; and Mu Mu for Mad Myatt or Mage Myatt; Mu being the Greek letter M).

The best example of a modern – over grown – Clan are the Jews. Being “Jewish” isn’t really based on a “race,” genetic factor, skin color, or “nationality.” Essentially it is based on a shared commonality – a cohesion factor – which binds and unites this people into a coherent social order: their Judaic culture, which is founded upon a set of unique religious practices. Blood bonds and loyalty to other “Jews” also defines a person as a Jew. Race and skin color has nothing to do with being a Jew. There are caucasian looking Jews; Jews of proto-semetic-arabic ancestory; and negroid-hametic Falasha Jews from Ethiopia. The over grown Jewish Folk is also a great example of how a Clan over time can become it’s own State – the State of Israel. This is very enlightening because understanding that the State of Israel came only after the Folk Jewish Identity had long been established; do we understand that the State, or nationality actually does not define the individual. It is the person’s folkish or Clan association that does. The abstract concept of “race,” as are the abstractions of a “nation,” and/or “state,” are impersonal identity thieves which stands against your personal honor and duty you owe to yourself and your folk.

Nothings says Clan better though than the original Clans of the United Kingdom. The MacDonalds and Burger Kings; the McDoohickies of the highlands. Many of these clans now are composed of many races and racial mixtures; but an O’Brian is still an O’Brian even if one of them is half Chinese.

Such abstract conceptualizations are parasitic memes which usurps your personal sovereignty. Once you have adopted the transpersonal concept of a “race” you become a slave to the will of an abstract – transpersonal – race. In the same way you become subservient and a slave to a nation or state, when you adopt its identity – working for it, paying taxes to it, spending you entire life supporting it’s existence; and what do you get in return? What do you gain from adopting, serving, and fighting for the cause of a transpersonal “race?” Which has absolutely nothing to do with who you are as an individual person or your clan. Which has no intrinsic interest in you and your welfare or your progression as an evolving individual. It doesn’t matter if your skin color is the same hue as theirs/everyone else’s. Ask yourself if your “race” will be there for you in your time of need. Will your race feed you and your family? Will it/they pay your bills when you have no money? You must realize that the moment you adopt such abstract transpersonal identities as “Race,” “Nation,” “Religion,” and “State,” you become a slave to that abstraction’s will. In otherwords, such abstract memes uses you as an organic being to propagate itself: For whom? For you or for itself?

It’s hard to grasp the concept of being used by a mind parasite which consists of nothing more than the genetic material of memes. Not until you allow yourself to consciously be host to one and observe. This is the reason why we consider Insight Roling as an important concept and why we encourage our Disciples to join a street gang, Nazi organization, or political institution for at least a year. After the year is over you realize that your life, energy, and effort was being used by the gang or institution to merely propagate itself, and execute it’s own interests and that it had no other interest in you but to use you for that purpose.

There is a difference between those who use and those who are used – those who are Masters, and those who are natural slaves. To illustrate we will consider David Myatt, since he is the Fountain Head of all three institutions concerning this Epistle. The statement itself is simple: Myatt converted to Islam. The question is – Is Islam using Myatt? Or is Myatt using Islam? Myatt was a Nazi. Was National-Socialism using Myatt, or was Myatt using National-Socialism? Myatt was a Satanist. Did Myatt use Satanism, or did Satanism use Myatt?

The answer to all of those questions is easy to come up with when we study Myatt carefully. In all three institution Myatt “converted” to, he imposed HIS own ideas, concepts, and mind onto them – changing/evolving them – in HIS image and likeness… not the other way around. Islam isn’t using Myatt. Myatt is using Islam for his own private interests. This is clearly seen in the radical Islamic writings he is putting out, which is influencing and inspiring other Muslims.

This concept of Master versus Slave brings up some great food for thought concerning the ONA and it’s Initiates. If the ONA was already existing and one day Myatt entered it – would he be used by the memetic organism of the ONA to progress itself… or would he use the ONA to progress himself? Then ask yourself that very same question with you and the ONA – whose using whom? If all you are to the ONA is a means for it to propagate itself – then you have no power, authority, basis, or foundation, to judge 352 which is doing with the ONA what Myatt would have done to it: Impose it’s own mind upon it to change/evolve it and use it to progress it’s members. Both kinds of initiates are needed equally. We know where we each stand in this regard.


For as long as we have been human – and far into our pre-human existence – we have been living, associating, in small groups of kinfolk. In the past these clans and tribes were all that naturally existed as far as human social order goes.

The Clan or Tribe is a system of Symbiosis. It is a system of mutual aid and mutual dependency. It is a true Causal system. You put in energy and effort, and the Clan rewards you in return with sustenance, protection, and breeding rights. Since everyone is mutually dependent on each other, everyone’s interests and needs are important… as you, as a person, are important to your Clanmates.

Unfortunately, for most humans, Tribal life was crushed by something called the State. The essence of an impersonal State is not symbiosis. It is Exploitation. We cannot condemn mankind for experimenting with Statehood. It is a rite of passage we as a species must experience… from which we learn.

There were good things and bad things about Clan life; as there are pros and cons to Statehood. The down fall of Clan living is that it is prone to not progress or advance. In fact there are still tribes today which are still in the stone ages. This is due to something 352 calls the “IF” Factor. IF standing for “Incoherency of Force.” The IF factor comes from the fact that clans themselves did not pool or funnel their energy into a collective force with other clans and tribes. The State did. When Force is brought into a coherent state and directed towards a purpose it is called Synergy. The first example of state synergy would be militaries. Synergy is perhaps the only valuable – crucial – thing our species has gained for Statehood. Thru the Synergy of taxation, redistribution of tax money to pay synergic corporations and specialized institutions – we end up with NASA, and the ESA. Thru coherent state synergy, we as a species propelled ourselves into the future; explored space; went to the moon, and put rovers on Mars.

But, our states have become a monstrosity of impersonal existence and species psychosis. We are slowly understanding inside each of us that something is very wrong. What’s wrong is we’ve toiled for the Great Impersonal State and have left our primal human nature – our humanness behind: the Clan. This is not to suggest that we do what Pol Pot did and force ourselves into some past non-technological Golden Age. What’s needed is BALANCE. A balance between our humanness and superpersonal synergy. To recollect ourselves into contemporary Tribes and Clans which has our needs, interests, and symbiosis, as it’s motive and modus operandi. If such Clans we will reform – recreate – can pool their energy and resources to produce a cooperative Synergy to continue to advance us as a species… then the State can be thrown out altogether.

This Nexion of ours is thus not just merely another cell of the ONA. It is the Myattian Imperative in action. Our Nexion was designed and intended to grow into a functioning modern tribe through our oaths, and our established unique culture and tradition. We already have the loyalty factor, and the mutual dependency. In time, with eugenics and selective – intelligent – breeding, we will be bound by blood as well. Blood bound thru the children our sisters will have – our future progeny who will breed with each other, and those that resonate with our Way.

From the very beginning, our future Progeny has been the main focus of our Nexion – the reason why our 352 has come into being in the first place. We already have a fledgling Folk culture and coherent Clan identity. The foundation of which are all of Myatt’s work – the principles set forth in Reichsfolk Doctrine of Ethical National-Socialism; the Numinous Way; the Code of Honour; and the ONA. With these, and the unique subculture we have developed, our WSA has become the seedling of a future Clan. It is a matter of time and aeonics to manifest ourselves as a modern Tribe, for the sake and progression of our future Progeny. We are in essence our own Folk, sharing a common identity, culture, a miniature weltanshauung, and vision of a common future.


Can those of the Sinister Way uphold the Numinous Way at the same time? I’m sure it’s possible, since both ways came out of the same mind and share many fundamental concepts in common.

It seems contradicting for the Sinister folk of the ONA to have empathy and compassion for all people and care for their suffering. This contradiction is born from a misunderstanding of the ONA and it’s Sinister Way. Sinister here only means the “Left Hand” way, as opposed to the “Right Hand” way which rejects causal-carnal existence and Nature as abhorrent mode of existence to be transcended. Sinister suggests an atonement or harmony with Nature and carnal existence and all it would imply.

What exactly causes suffering in our modern age? First, what does suffering mean? In Pali (the language the Buddha spoke) “Suffering” is “Dhuga.” The word Dhuga is most often mistranslated as “evil.” The word Dhuga means trouble, heartache, worry, or mental, emotional, and physical pain.

Once we understand the basic meaning of suffering, we can then diagnose the cause: the State itself and the condition of being born and living in an impersonal State. Big worries like tyranny, oppression, abuse of personal liberty. Little worries of losing our jobs, loosing our homes, paying taxes, nobody wanting to mate with us because we’re not as pretty as the girl on the magazine.

Why is the condition of existing in a State or Nation a prime cause of human suffering? Because we are highly social organism by default and within the state we are individualized and separated into autonomous, self-reliant units. The same psychosis or mental and physical anguish can be replicated by taking an ape or ant or bee away from it’s folk/group/colony. Although the said organisms can; by themselves eat and forage for food; they will mentally deteriorate and die.

The power and authority of the State is not one of consent, but division, robbery, extortion, exploitation, and forced complicity. If a highly social organism of higher organic order is separated from it’s pack – such as a dog or monkey – it must attach itself emotionally, physically, and psychologically to a surrogate Clan or Tribe, and become dependent on it for it’s survival. Once the State has individualized the Clan into nuclear “families” and further destroyed the mutual dependency of the “family” unit into self dependent Individuals – those individual units emotionally makes the State and/or Corporation as a surrogate Clan or Tribe. Thus the individualized unit becomes dependent on a very impersonal institution which exploits it.

The State is a major cause and source of our human suffering in our modern age, simply because it is impersonal, exploitative, and because it has brainwashed it’s slaves into believing that tribalism is primitive and others can’t be trusted. It’s a game of divide and conquer. They break down the Clan, and having no-one else to depend on, you must depend on the State.

Returning to Clan life – that is – a group of interdependent folk; is not just a hippy vision or nostalgic desire to return to more primal – more human – ways of living. It’s an act of disrupting and sabotaging the power monopoly the State holds. It is an act of personal honour and duty to ourselves and our own children. The very fact that the State passes laws to illegalize certain aspects of Clan life or organized tribalism such as – favoritism, nepotism, cronyism, and poligamy – reveals the State’s underlining fear of a fully functioning, self-sufficiant Clan.

We’ve given State and Nation thousands of years to test itself in the real causal world to prove itself beneficial to humanity as a whole. So far all it has done for the past thousands of years is war, genocide, and exploit humanity. Such a system of existence is detrimental to progression of the Human species and our evolution towards our galactic destiny. It is out of compassion and empathy for humanity, that the Sinister folk work towards the extinction of States and Nations. To once and for all end humanity’s chief cause of suffering.

If we can empathize with our fellow creatures, and feel their suffering… If we have genuine compassion for our fellow humans, and want a better life and existence for them. Then we must desire to seek out the actual cause of their suffering and destroy it: the State itself. Destroying the State to engineer a better kind of human civilization via aeonics, is what the ONA was designed to do in the first place.

The State is not the only cause of modern human suffering: the Corporation and the heartless individuals and families who maintain State and Corporate power and domination are also major threats to our freedom, and human progression. Which brings us to the concept of Culling and Opfers. It not an aimless slaughter of victims sacrificed to Dark Gods. The ONA has rules and guidelines for culling and opfers. There is a method to the madness – a reason. The intended victims deserve to be culled because they are ones that perpetuate suffering. Our suffering, and the suffering of our fellow humans.

We owe it to ourselves… to our personal honour, and the duty we owe to our Clansman, to work to destroy our folk’s antagonists – the very source of our suffering itself. This is done not only by Culling; but also by striving to enlighten and awaken the outsiders; Presencing the Dark; teaching the Numinous Way; Code of Honour; and Reichfolk NS to them and to our own children. We must teach them that recreating Clans – harmonizing ourselves with our human nature – to create symbiotic social orders of mutual aid and mutual dependency will greatly reduce our human suffering in half.


More than likely – reasonably – we’re not going to blow up States into extinction anytime soon. Such things cannot be forced; because in essence the people who are suffering themselves make up the “State.” Thus enlightening them and encouraging them to form their own Clans is a very important step towards destroying the monopoly of rule of the State.

Reasonably, our own 352, and future Clans and Tribes will take time to grow and evolve into fully functioning self-reliant social orders. When that time comes, colonization of the world’s international oceans is the first step in gaining independence and working towards gaining the experience needed to colonize space. Getting to even this stage of progression from here is an ordeal in itself which requires transgenerational – aeonic – strategy and planning; called “Chronomorphic Incubation” in 352.

Our own Progeny is the KEY factor Chronomorphic Incubation. These children must be raised in Clan culture, then each sent to colleges and universities to study in specific fields which will help us transition from an earth bound Clan into a stellar Clan. Because children are crucial to chronomorphic incubation, Clan sisters are extremely important assets – we make babies.

Each generation must be eugenically and aeonically designed to function at maximum capacity within the era it/they will mature in. For instance, here in Southern California where the Latin population out numbers other races; these Latinos, will in the near future politically dominate this region. It would serve our interests here to have some of our future progeny mixed with Latino blood, to do better in the corporate and political arena here.

Transition and chronomorphic incubation also requires money. Without money transitioning is near impossible unless you raise a small army of rebels and conquer one of those barely functioning African nations. This would mean that our Clan must have business as a fundamental objective. To beat the 10 Percenters (the Enemy); we must learn to play the game as they play it; not as they teach in schools. Going to school to be an employee benefits nobody but the Enemy and prolongs human suffering. Working cooperatively to seek financial independence and the establishment of future corporations helps end suffering – at least our own suffering.

The reason why colonization of the ocean is important is because we must be sovereign to do as we please, without the policies, ethics, and limitations of the State and Religion. We need a place were science can progress and advanced in any direction uninhibited.

The State itself cannot help us manifest our galactic destiny. It neither has the power or money. What money it does have, it spends on military arms build up not scientific advancement and human progression. It’s very own nature – being a State – does not allow it to change itself to become a better form of human civilization. Trying to change the orthodoxy of your State is call treason. We have also learned from recent events that the economy of a State is fragile. The richest State in the world – USA – is near total bankruptcy and will never be able to pay its debt off.

The key to a near future colonization of space rests in the concept of inter-clan cooperation in the form of collective monetary investments in intertribal corporations. By this I mean that corporations are the only current institution with the people power and money to colonize space.

The first steps to colonizing space will be a corporate venture of exploitation and commercialization of space and lunar minerals. It would be up to each Clan to by shares of these corporations. In the same way that old world families bought shares in companies which colonized the new world and India. Many of today’s nations actually began as business ventures of English and other European companies.


As Myatt pointed out, Clans are the future and a causal manifestation of putting the principles of empathy and compassion into real practice. To empathize with our own Clan folk. To care for them, as they will for us. To provide for them, as they will provide for us. To labor for their needs and interests, as they will work to satisfy our own needs and interests. To work together towards self-reliance for the sake of our progeny, so they may inherit a better life, free of the suffering that plagues our own.

By adopting and implementing the “Myattian Imperative,” and working towards a reasonable manifestation of a functioning Clan; our 352 will be setting itself apart from other ONA nexions; and other modern institutions. Taking a progressive step forwards into the future, if you will. Thus, we can’t convert or force others to join our nexion. This nexion of ours must itself attract to it those that resonate with our aura who will live by our oaths, rules, laws, and by the Code of Honour; and the Myattian Way. With time, so long as our children and generations continue to reach for the stars, we will slowly make our way towards that Numinous Dark above.

Kayla of 352

Black Star Canyon

120 yf


Source: http://onanxs.wordpress.com/2009/05/21/towards-the-numinous-dark/

A man’s fate is a man’s fate
And life is but an illusion

How is your husband? –
The face in the street smiled.
He died, last week
While a small hospital
Of no repute was bombed

Every writer has their cause
Where words without the warmth
A Winter sun secures
No experience drips, as frost
From a leaf when warm breath
Casts itself from itself
And the child-man smiles
Atop the bleak sequestered hill
Where snow folds with silence:
Every bomb is a clue
While children cry

A tyrant’s whim was only a whim
Since he at least must die
But an idea’s fate is an idea’s fate:
They seldom die
Lying like pain in wait

The old woman cries
While she lies in her bed awake:
For sixty years her care carried her;
There was always the house,
The children, the neat garden trimmed by a hedge.
Each Sunday would be real
And they would sit, enjoying the warmth
Of their world.
He died, last week
Before the leeches sucked their house

“In a Home” the face like her youth said
“It is warm, and in Winter we will come.”
Oh my daughter what have you done…

Every person has their Cause
When deeds drip like blood
Just as every City is a snare

Can you remember you who skirted
That path and walked like Leonidas
Can you remember the warmth
That drew Cities from Stone?
Is there no forgiving for the dreams
Of our past? No remembering of skulls
Cracked to help those cracking
To remember a question, just one question
About Life?

There is no goal worthy
For which a City might live:
But, I remember the City
We might build to the stars

DW Myatt

Here I have stopped
Because only Time goes on within my dream:
Yesterday I was awoken, again,
And she held me down
With her body warmth
Until, satisfied, I went alone
And trying to remember:

A sun in a white clouded sky
Morning dawn yellow
Sways the breath that, hot, I exhale tasting of her lips.
The water has cut, deep, into
The estuary bank
And the mallard swims against the flow –
No movement, only effort.
Nearby – the foreign ship which brought me
Is held by rusty chains
Which, one day and soon
And peeling them like its paint,
Must leave

Here I shall begin again
Because Time, at last, has stopped
Since I have remembered the dark ecstasy
Which brought that war-seeking Dream

DW Myatt


Islam and National-Socialism: The Basis for Co-operation

Should we seek to find allies and friends among those of other races who are fighting the common Zionist enemy? Or should we regard such people as ‘racially inferior’? Indeed, how should we react to and interact with people of other races, other cultures?

Our own Aryan ethics must guide us, and our ethics alone. Our Aryan – our National-Socialist – ethics are based upon the principles of honour, loyalty and duty. Honour demands that we act in a cultured, a civilized, way: that we have self-control, and manners. Honour demands that we strive to treat others fairly. That is, honour demands that we act with nobility of spirit. Of course, honour also demands that if someone tries to bully us, or attacks us, that we stand our ground, that we fight back.

Our guiding principle in our everyday lives should be one of our honour giving us the inner strength, the self-respect, we need, based as this strength and self-respect is on our acceptance of our noble duty to our own folk: that is, on knowing how we relate to our folk, our culture, and thence to our past, our ancestors, and to Nature itself. Our acceptance of honour – our inner strength – also means that we have a noble respect for others, regardless of their status and origins. As it says in our Aryan Code of Honour:

“A man or woman of honour treats others courteously, regardless of their culture, religion, status, origins, and race, and is only disdainful and contemptuous of those who, by their attitude, actions and behaviour, treat they themselves with disrespect or try to personally harm them, or who treat with disrespect or try to harm those whom the individual man or woman of honour have personally sworn loyalty to or whom they champion.”

Thus, the basis for co-operation between National-Socialists and Muslims is mutual respect, deriving from the warrior – the civilized – principle of honour. We must respect them, as individuals; be respectful toward their culture, their Way of Life (Islam); and treat them as comrades-in-arms fighting our common enemy. In return, they must respect us, and be respectful toward our own Way of Life (as manifest in genuine, ethical, National-Socialism).

Hence, we should not regard them – and/or their culture, their Way of Life – as ‘inferior’, for that is a dishonourable thing to do; contrary to our ethics. Instead, there should be a mutual respect based on our honourable acceptance of our differences. National-Socialism accepts that Nature has worked to produce, in human beings, diversity and difference, and that we should respect and value this natural diversity and difference, and aid and further evolve it. This means that we should be proud of our own heritage, culture and identity, and accept that others should be proud of theirs. It also means that one of our aims is to work toward the creation of free, independent, homelands where the different peoples of different cultures and different ways of life can live according to their own values and according to their own ways of life.

David Myatt

The Aryan Code of Honour

The word of a man or woman of honour is their bond – for when a man or woman of honour gives their word (“On my word of honour…”) they mean it, since to break one’s word is a dishonourable act. An oath of loyalty or allegiance to someone, once sworn by a man or woman of honour (“I swear by my honour that I shall…”) can only be ended either: (i) by the man or woman of honour formally asking the person to whom the oath was sworn to release them from that oath, and that person agreeing so to release them; or (ii) by the death of the person to whom the oath was sworn. Anything else is dishonourable.

A man or woman of honour is prepared to do their honourable duty by challenging to a duel anyone who impugns their honour or who makes dishonourable accusations against them. Anyone so challenged to a duel who, refusing to publicly and unreservedly apologize, refuses also to accept such a challenge to a duel for whatever reason, is acting dishonourably, and it is right to call such a person a coward and to dismiss as untruthful any accusations such a coward has made. Honour is only satisfied – for the person so accused – if they challenge their accuser to a duel and fight it; the honour of the person who so makes such accusations or who so impugns another person’s honour, is only satisfied if they either unreservedly apologize or accept such a challenge and fights such a duel according to the etiquette of duelling.

A man or woman of honour may also challenge to a duel and fight in such a duel, a person who has acted dishonourably toward someone whom the man or woman of honour has sworn loyalty or allegiance to or whom they honourably champion. A man or woman of honour always does the duty they have sworn to do, however inconvenient it may be and however dangerous, because it is honourable to do one’s duty and dishonourable not to do one’s duty. A man or woman of honour is prepared to die – if necessary by their own hand – rather than suffer the indignity of having to do anything dishonourable.

A man or woman of honour can only surrender to or admit to defeat by someone who is as dignified and as honourable as they themselves are – that is, they can only entrust themselves under such circumstances to another man or woman of honour who swears to treat their defeated enemy with dignity and honour. A man or woman of honour would prefer to die fighting, or die by their own hand, rather than subject themselves to the indignity of being defeated by someone who is not a man or woman of honour.

A man or woman of honour treats others courteously, regardless of their culture, religion, status, origins, and race, and is only disdainful and contemptuous of those who, by their attitude, actions and behaviour, treat they themselves with disrespect or try to personally harm them, or who treat with disrespect or try to harm those whom the individual man or woman of honour have personally sworn loyalty to or whom they champion.

A man or woman of honour, when called upon to act, or when honour bids them act, acts without hesitation provided always that honour is satisfied.

A man or woman of honour, in public, is somewhat reserved and controlled and not given to displays of emotion, nor to boasting, preferring as they do deeds to words.

A man or woman of honour does not lie, once having sworn on oath (“I swear on my honour that I shall speak the truth…”) as they do not steal from others or cheat others for such conduct is dishonourable.

A man or woman of honour may use guile or cunning to deceive sworn enemies, and sworn enemies only, provided always that they do not personally benefit from such guile or cunning and provided always that honour is satisfied.

Editorial Note: The above article was written by Myatt, for his Reichsfolk group, sometime in 1998  CE.

Дэвид Вулстон Мьятт (родился в 1950 г.) – британский общественный деятель, переводчик, писатель. С 1967 г. участвовал в британском неонацистском движении. Основатель и лидер влиятельнейшей британской ультранацистской фирмы “Combat 18”, известной своей тактикой городской террористической герильи, крёстный отец мирового хулиганс-движения, ветеран “Арийских Наций”. С момента основания возглавлял Британское Национал-Социалистическое Движение (NSM), был теоретиком арийской расовой войны (RaHoWa).

В конце 1960-х создал оккультный “Орден Девяти Углов” (“The Order of Nine Angles”, ONA), тайное ультраправое герметическое общество т.н. “традиционного сатанизма”, пора расцвета которого пришлась на 1980-1990-е гг. Мьятт прошёл тернистый путь духовных поисков, погружаясь в разное время в даосизм, буддизм, паганизм и христианство (принял монашеское послушание). В те годы Мьятт также изучал и переводил работы древнегреческих поэтов и драматургов Софокла, Эсхила, Гомера, Сапфо.

В 1998 г. Дэвид принял Ислам, взяв духовное имя Абдульазиз ибн Мьятт. А за год до того выпустил три книги: “Практическое руководство к Арийской Революции”, “Крестоносная война против Ислама” и “Сионистское стремление к мировому господству”. С момента обращения он не переставая работает на поприще сближения Новой Правой и протестных мусульманских сил: британских неонацистов и новообращённых радикальных мусульман. Сегодня он является деятелем международного антисионистского движения, развивает и пропагандирует теорию Джихада и террористической практики асассинов, “асассинации”.

Теперь ссылки и изображения:

Некоторые труды Дэвида Мьятта в русском переводе на сайте правых традиционалистов “Белые Общества”;

Сайт Дэвида Мьятта;

Блог, посвящённый Дэвиду Мьятту;

Сайт автобиографической книги “Введение в Сакральный Путь Дэвида Мьятта”;

Source: http://malikit.livejournal.com/189659.html